Friday, June 27, 2014

Sesame Street

Mitt Romney was right back in 2012 when he said that PBS needs less support from our nation's capital. Sesame Street does not deserve government money. It should be able to fund-raise and get sponsors by itself rather than rely on Washington to fund them.

After the last few years, maybe Sesame Street should just quit. They have changed the Cookie Monster by making him eat more vegetables (doesn't that make him just a "Monster"?), Elmo's puppeteer has turned out to be a pedophile, Bert & Ernie are becoming a more corrupt gay couple, and Big Bird is now transgender. Sesame Street has jumped the shark and should be removed from national airwaves.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Republicans turning into RINOS

Peter Beinart wrote a piece stating that the Republican Party must change policies to get more minorities into the party. Coming off the heels of Cantor's defeat, it sounds like a person that is shocked that a politician that does not represent a district well lost to a person who can articulate their core principles.

Why should we fall for this trap of appealing to small group of people? People won't respect the person that calls themselves Republicans but mouth Democratic ideas and principles. Why should be try to appeal to these groups and treat them like their problems are unique. Democrats promise everything to all these victim groups and never deliver. Why we emulate that solution and put the GOP brand in jeoparty.

Republicans need to stand up for conservative principles. We need to give the country the opposite of what Obama and his minions have been doing for the past 5 1/2 years. Free market solutions that encourage liberty and creation of wealth. A tax structure that encourages innovation and economic growth. Energy policy that lowers the price of gas and other basic essentials. A foreign policy that is clear and consistent with American ideas and principles. A government that knows its boundaries and represents the people that elected them into higher office.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

People living in hellholes

Nobody should be living in California, New York, or Minnesota. I believe these three states are the worst of the worst.

California - run by a 2/3 democrat legislature, a democrat governor, a population that gave themselves an income tax hike, Hollywood, San Francisco, and cultural rot.

New York - democrat legislature, democrat governor that is anti-gun, a communist New York City mayor, and a population center that is dominated by fat cats on Wall Street

Minnesota - democrat legislature & governor, Senator Al Franken, awful winters and unbearable summers

What do you think? Leave me a comment.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

World cup.......go away!!!

The World Cup starts this week. Am I the only one that does not care what happens in this tournament? I am more concerned about the strikes and political discord that surround these games. Strikes, unrest, chaos, and debt are the major issues in Brazil. They have problems with the World Cup and then expect to have the Olympics in two years?!! Personally, I don't care how these teams compete as long as there is no octopus to predict the outcomes.