Saturday, August 23, 2014

Elizabeth Warren and Liberalism

Elizabeth Warren is what's wrong with liberal today. A party that advocates for the bankruptcy of the country is driving us into debt and ruination.

Who pays for government? WE THE PEOPLE!!!! Our taxes are our consent to a democratic government. The problem is that the politician go beyond our consent to spend more money than they receive, piling up debt that somebody will pay for someday.

Friday, August 22, 2014


Bacon Pancake, an example of American gluttony

Bacon Cinnamon Roll, a prime example of American food experimentation gone wrong!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Aberdeen, SD, is a dump

I have been through many towns in South Dakota. However, there is one town that I have been that I would not want to live again. Despite its horrible police, mosquitos, cold, and drinking water, Aberdeen is growing faster than most places in South Dakota.  I don't understand how people can subject themselves to such torture living in a god-forsaken city like Aberdeen, South Dakota, any time of the year.

If you don't believe me, live there for a month and see what happens!!

As an aside, the way the mosquitos are always a nuisance every year, it's a wonder how a mosquito business like Eastern South Dakota Mosquito Squad does not get sued by everybody in the city of Aberdeen!!!


I demand Keith Olbermann as Baseball Commissioner!!!!

Commissioner Olbermann

Monday, August 18, 2014

Worst movies I have watched

I have seen my fair share of bad movies. I'm not a connoisseur of bad films but I do enjoy watching some bad films and somebody make fun of the films that were horribly (and somewhat horribly) made. Here's my list of the twelve of the worst films I have ever watched. 

12. Batman & Robin (1997) - The movie that killed the franchise, starring Clooney, Schwarzenegger, Uma Thurman, and many others that overacted and made Batman a laughing stock of a franchise until it was rebooted.

11. Elmo in Grouchland - a horribly made movie by a puppet handled by a pervert, this movie should have been rewritten to eliminate Elmo and replaced him with some other puppet.
10. Howard the Duck - George Lucas is known for his award-winning and financially successful movies. This is not one of them. Hopefully when Marvel/Disney make a new Howard the Duck, they don't repeat the same mistakes as this 1986 monstrosity.
9. Plan 9 from Outer Space - a movie made by Ed Wood, the godfather of bad movies, this movie has an odd plot involving space aliens animating the corpses of Tor Johnson and Vampira to take over the world. If this the ninth plan, how bad were the first eight? Bela Lugosi was in the beginning but was replaced by a guy who tried miserably to act liked him.
 Disaster Movie (8) & Meet the Spartans (7) - These two parody movies should be scrapped into the ash-heap of history. Poorly made, produced, and written by two dumb screenwriters who try to make fun of movies with horribly executed jokes and puns.
6. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians - Christmas films are hit and miss. This one is a pure miss. Martians wanting to bring Santa Claus to their home planet is about as entertaining as watching grass growing.

Hobgoblins 1 (5) & Hobgoblins 2 (4) - I watched Hobgoblins on MST3k, it made the movie entertaining. However, this does not make up for the fact that these are awful film. I tried to watch the sequel but fell asleep half-way through.

3. Beast of Yucca Flats - a  Coleman Francis film with Tor Johnson as a scientist that was hit by an atomic blast that turned him into a mindless Beast.

2. Monster a Go-Go is one of the worst films because of the production problems and the fact that the end - "there was no monster" - made this a candidate for worst film ever. I have only watched this film via MST3k. I don't think I could survive watching this without the MST3k commentary.

And the top worst film..............

Manos, the Hands of Fate - created in 1966 on a bet, this movie should be shown in Film Making 101 on how NOT to make a movie. Various errors in plot and storyline, dialogue, production, voice dubbing, lighting, and overall sense of incompetence mires this movie in a cinematic cesspool. The fact that even the director thought it was bad, one of the main actors (John Reynolds - Torgo) commits suicide after the movie is made, and that the only reason anybody remembers this is MST3k making fun of it.

Thanks for reading this post. Please leave comments below and suggest any other movies that were awful. I can list two more movies that were awful - Stars Wars I: The Phantom Menace (Jar-Jar Binks) and Cloverfield.


The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I, therefore, intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt.
Barack Obama - source:

Government should not be spending more than it takes in unless in an emergency. If the government was a business, it would have been bankrupt a long time ago.  Any entity - business, individual, government - that has too much debt on top of massive future unfunded liabilities is heading toward a major economic catastrophe.

Federal program should be prioritized and some that don't make the cut get defunded. If a government believes that certain programs are priorities that didn't get the funding in a previous year, the government should shift funds from a less priority or a program that is very inefficient.

Senator Obama was right when he stated that raising the debt limit is a failure of leadership. The problem is that President Obama does not care about reckless spending and is a failure as a leader.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Health Care

In 2009 & 2010, the president with the help of Congress passed the biggest overhaul to health care since Medicare. Ever since, health care has gotten worse. When the power to determine one's health is transferred from individuals and doctors to bureaucrats in Washington DC, medical care gets worse.

I disagree with President Obama on many issues concerning medicine. Obama believes that health care is a right. I believe it is a privilege of those who take care of themselves and a responsibility of individuals and society to take care of those less fortunate than ourselves.

I also disagree about the economics of current medical care. Obamacare goes against American ideals of individual liberty and capitalism. It punishes innovation and rewards bad health (unless you're a smoker). Obamacare will lead to European/ socialized medicine like Great Britain's NHS or the VA system in the United States.

On top of that, Obamacare allows the IRS to collect the penalty/fee/tax of not being in compliance with Obamacare. The same people who lost six months of e-mail that demand 7 years of tax returns if you're under audit is now going to hound taxpayers even more, especially those against the ruling class in this country.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Reversing federal growth

"I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground: That 'all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States or to the people.' To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition." Thomas Jefferson 1791

I agree with Jefferson's assessment that the 10th amendment, as quoted above, is the bedrock of the Bill of Rights and the foundation of the Constitution. The Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights were founded on the basis that the federal government does certain specific things and the rest belong to the states to run as they see fit.

Today, it is the reverse and our country is suffering because the federal government has taken too much power that was meant for the states. My proposal is for the federal government to eliminate certain cabinet departments - education, energy, HHS, HUD, and Commerce - along with the EPA. These departments and agencies are infringing on the rights of American citizens and a federal intrusion into areas that the states should run.

"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty, than those attending too small a degree of it." Thomas Jefferson,  Letter to Archibald Stuart, Philadelphia (23 December 1791).


When it comes to the law, it should be simple: if you are in the United States illegally, you must be sent back, especially if you commit a crime on American soil. No lawyers, no court rooms, as soon as officials find out, the illegal alien is out.

The United States government must also secure the border. Build a big fence and guard it with either National Guard and/or the military with the order to shoot all people coming across the border via jumping the boundary fence.

Finally, I would send hippies to Mexico. If the Mexican government is allowing people from south of their border free access to ride into the United States, we should be allowed to send all of our drugged-out bums and freeloaders to other countries via Mexico. I would send the hippies to Honduras and all my drug population to Venezuela.


Some government officials should be fired and/or impeached and removed. Eric Holder is one of them. Eric Holder should be fired for his incompetence at running the Department of Justice.

Mr. Holder called the United States a "Nation of Cowards" for refusing to debate racial issues. It is a little hard to debate issues of race when people call you a racist if you disagree with them. You cannot meet in the middle with people who see the word "compromise" as a dirty word.

Holder should have been fired after the facts of Fast & Furious were released. Allowing guns into Mexico while trying to track them, then being unable to track them and then finding out that they were used to kill a border patrol agent is downright treasonous.

Congress voted that the Attorney General was in contempt of Congress, a first in American history. I say that unless Holder removes himself from office, Congress should impeach him for failing to enforce the laws across the country.

For a president to say that he will bring hope and change, his appointment of attorney general has done nothing but bring shame and dishonor to his office.

Contempt of Congress reaction

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Marmorstein: Despite Daugaard advice, there is value in philosophy degree - Opinion

Marmorstein: Despite Daugaard advice, there is value in philosophy degree - Opinion

I agree with Professor Art. Get a humanities/ social studies degree (maybe with a JD/ MBA) and make connections to have the best chance at success.


With the IRS being caught trying to target conservative groups before the 2012 election, one thing is for certain. The IRS cannot be trusted when it comes to collecting tax money.

The IRS is in charge of making sure that every American pays the government their share of taxes. Now with the IRS being given more responsibility in enforcing the financial obligations of Obamacare, it is more imperative that the the IRS be reformed and the tax code be simplified.

The IRS is a part of the Department of Treasury that can be eliminated if the government decided to dramatically change the tax code. A simpler tax code would phase out progressive income tax brackets of today in favor of a flat tax on all money made and created by all American people and corporations. Along with eliminating major waste, fraud, abuse and welfare (both individual and corporate) in spending, the federal government could actually make a surplus that would pay off the massive debt incurred over the last twenty years.

Gun control

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.

With a string of gun violence and school shooting sin the past 20 years, some people including members of Congress want to ban certain types of firearms from being sold to the common citizens. Certain weapons such as the AR-15 and handguns are targeted because of their effectiveness as a weapon. These weapons, they claim, should not be sold on the open market.

However, when it comes to guns, the 2nd amendment is clear when it states that the right of the American citizen to keep and use guns shall not be regulated by the government. An armed citizenry is a free citizenry. Guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens is the best defense against tyranny whether at home or in Washington D.C. More guns in the hands of citizens is better than any guns in the hands of criminals

If celebrities can have armed guards, citizens should have arms. It seems hypocritical to me when Rosie O'Donnell was hammering away against gun rights then turns around and requests that her bodyguard get a concealed weapons permit. Even gun control advocate need the comfort of a weapon in their hands to feel safe.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Turkeys in Iowa

PETA has petitioned the state of Iowa to create a memorial for the turkeys that lost their lives when a trucker crashed near Sioux City.

PETA wants a 10 foot tall monument to the dumbest bird in the world. At least the IQ of one of these birds is higher than the members of PETA combined.

Turkey memorial


Education is a bedrock of American society, allowing the current generation to teach the next generation the knowledge and skills necessary to keep society continuing. However, there is a threat to this basic tenet of a free society. This enemy is called Teach for America.

Teach for America is a cancer on the American education system. Allowing people with little training to teach in the most impoverished areas of the United States is a huge mistake. It takes away jobs from qualified teachers and lowers the wages of all teaching staff while imposing a northeast liberal viewpoint on the students.

Let us restore our education system by eliminating TFA and redirect our effort to train better teachers.

Hugo Chavez

Hugo Chavez ran Venezuela from 1999 to his death in 2013. During this time, Venezuela became an international joke and a safe haven for anti-American forces around the world. Hugo Chavez has set back his country for decades and it will take a long time to recover.

I remember when Chavez went to the UN and called the current President George W. Bush the devil and stated "and it smells of sulfur still today." President Bush has more class than this clown. Chavez was a joke of a leader. May he rot in peace.

Chavez at UN 2006

Ron Paul is right

Since the economic collapse of 2007-2009, the Federal Reserve has created money to "pump" the economy and keep it stable. Where is the money going? I believe it is time to audit the Federal Reserve and base the US Dollar on an asset (gold, silver, etc.). We need a strong dollar to maintain the world economy and for a prosperous America to counter our enemies' desires to bring us down.

Bernancke: gold is not money

Russia & China

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Pop culture sacred cows

I don't mind parts of pop culture. However, there are some people that make you say WTF!!!

Chris Brown is a woman beater, should be jailed and neutered. I don't respect him as a singer or a human being.  Why Rihanna goes back to him is beyond comprehension

Lady Gaga is a horrible singer, looks like she needs a year of rehab. Her various outfits is a desperate cry for attention

Justin Bieber is a product of pop culture and a worthless pile of human debris. The way he is acting will lead him to become this generation's Michael Jackson.

Miley Cyrus was a talented actress and singer. However, she is throwing that away and flushing it down the toilet.

I have a suggestion for Kayne West - the world does not revolve around you.

Late Late Show history

Here's my brief and succinct history of late night television

Johnny Carson - the godfather of all late night

Jay Leno - very successful in his early run, but the situation between him and Conan scarred his legacy as a host of the Tonight Show

Conan O'Brien - he deserved the Tonight Show and NBC did not give him a chance to succeed. At TBS, he is doing his show on his own terms.

David Letterman - the heir to Johnny Carson, was funny back in the day, now seems to be a bitter old comedian who is too liberal to be critical of certain politicians

Jimmy Kimmel - better on the Man Show than on late night

Jimmy Fallon - I tried to watch him a couple times, not funny

Seth Myers - SNL, too new to late night

Jon Stewart - funny but too liberal

Stephen Colbert - his act as a fake conservative is really stupid. Replacing Letterman with all his flaws for Colbert is a downgrade for CBS

Craig Ferguson - the man is a genius. Ferguson is more of a storyteller in his opening monologue. He entertains his audience with his gay robot skeleton sidekick and his horse Secretariat. He is not like any other late night show because his deconstruction of the genre and spontaneity make it's a lot more entertaining to watch than most current late night shows. It's sad to see him leave at the end of 2014.

Leave comments below if I forgot anybody or agree/disagree with my assessment of any or all of these late night comedians

Wall Drug donuts

In the world of doughnuts, there are many chains that offer many kinds of donuts. However, in my experience, there is only one place where the doughnut is just part of vast array of products sold. I am, of course, talking about Wall Drug.

Wall Drug,situated in the middle western South Dakota, is a tourist trap for people heading to Rapid City. Wall Drug offers products unique in this area of the world. It also has a backyard where every few minutes a model T-Rex springs to life and roars at the people traveling through his area.

Wall Drug began its road to fame for offering free water to travelers. Today, with expensive bottle water everything, it is comforting to known that the best water is not Aquafina or Dasani but Wall Drug water.

In terms of donuts, Wall Drug doughnuts are the top product to be made in that store. A cake doughnut with a light layer of frosting of either vanilla, chocolate, or maple, these donuts offer the best of Wall Drugs. With over 300,000 doughnuts sold every year, no wonder they are a hot commodity.


In recent years, the push to pay college athletics, particularly basketball and football players, is coming from all the national media. Athletes are complaining about going hungry while playing games on national TV. The proponents argue that everybody but the players are making a lot of money on the back of these athletes, thus the athletes deserve a cut of the money.

However, I think that this is a bunch of hogwash. We are talking about paying a group of people who are getting their education paid for, they are given the best training money can buy, and they potentially could get millions that they would not receive if they did not go to college. The NCAA should not pay their athletes beyond scholarship for room, board & tuition.

If we start giving athletes a "salary" for playing a sport, where does it stop? Do the colleges have to pay every athlete in every college sport? Resources will be drained from other departments of academia to pay for sports. Other students that are not related to sports will lose money. Also, I thought the concept of student-athlete meant that the athlete was a student first.

On top of that, the NCAA lost a lawsuit where the athlete now can receive money if the computer game use their likeness as part of the playing experience. Personally, I have never bought a computer game with college players in them. I buy games that are based on the professional sport.

The NCAA is in a dire position. The major conferences are consolidating teams so they can make even more money, the athletes demanding money and even collective bargaining rights, and the major television networks demanding a product they can sell to the public. The NCAA is in an unenviable position of either carrying the flag of amateur sports against the wave of public opinion or be exposed as hypocrites by allowing the college athlete to be paid for playing sports.

NCAA loses case against athlete

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

senile Carter

Jimmy Carter thinks Hamas should be recognized as a political actor in the Middle East. Mr. Carter needs to stop supporting terrorists. He is on the wrong side of history.